Easing functions are the secret ingredient that breathes life into animations, turning mechanical motion into smooth, natural transitions. Ever noticed how an animation that starts or ends with a little more "bounce" or "flow" feels more organic? That’s the magic of easing into action.

In this article, we’re diving deep into the world of easing functions, unpacking their different types, and revealing how they elevate motion design to the next level.


What is an Easing Function?

Types and Examples of Easing Functions

Linear Functions

Cubic Bézier Functions

Steps Functions

What is the Easing Principle of Animation?

What Does Easing Do in Animation?

What Are the Benefits of Easing?

How to Animate Using Easing in SVGator

Final Thoughts

What Is an Easing Function?

Easing principle - Made by SVGator
Easing principle - Made by SVGator
An easing function is a mathematical algorithm at the heart of motion design, used to control the rate of change in an animation and define how an object moves or transitions over time. It dictates the pace and rhythm of movement, ensuring that animations feel natural and align with user expectations.

Instead of moving an object at a constant rate, easing introduces variations in speed, such as starting slowly and accelerating or decelerating toward the end. This customization creates a dynamic and realistic feel, mimicking the physical laws of motion we experience in the real world.

Whether it's a button smoothly fading into view or a bouncing ball losing momentum, easing transforms simple movements into visually engaging interactions, enhancing user experience.

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Types and Examples of Easing Functions

Let’s explore different types of easing functions with examples and easy-to-follow explanations.

Linear Functions

Linear Functions - Made by SVGator
Linear Functions - Made by SVGator

Linear functions maintain a constant speed throughout the animation, offering no acceleration or deceleration. This type of easing is ideal when:

  • Consistency is key: Use linear easing for animations that require uniform motion, such as scrolling text or a loading bar that progresses at a steady pace.
  • Mechanical movements: Ideal for technical or robotic animations, where the motion needs to feel predictable and unvaried.
  • Non-distracting effects: Works well for background animations that shouldn't draw too much attention, such as repeating patterns or light transitions.

Cubic Bézier Functions

Cubic Bézier functions add flexibility by allowing animations to accelerate, decelerate, or combine both effects. They create smoother, more natural movements through a curved progression.

Cubic Bézier Ease, Sine and Quad Functions - Made by SVGator
Cubic Bézier Ease, Sine and Quad Functions - Made by SVGator
Cubic Bézier Cubic, Quart and Quint Functions - Made by SVGator
Cubic Bézier Cubic, Quart and Quint Functions - Made by SVGator
Cubic Bézier Expo, Circ, Back Functions - Made by SVGator
Cubic Bézier Expo, Circ, Back Functions - Made by SVGator


Ease-in focuses on gradual acceleration at the start of the motion. This type of easing is often used for introducing objects or elements into a scene. For example, a ball might start rolling slowly before gaining speed, creating a sense of anticipation and buildup.


Ease-out emphasizes deceleration toward the end of the motion. It is commonly used when objects come to a natural stop. For instance, a sliding door might move quickly at first but slow down as it approaches its fully open position, creating a satisfying conclusion to the animation.


Ease-in-out combines the features of ease-in and ease-out, with gradual acceleration at the beginning and deceleration at the end. This creates a balanced and natural motion, ideal for transitions where the movement needs to feel fluid and harmonious, such as an object zooming in and out of focus.

Ease TypeBenefitsExamples
Ease-inGradual beginnings: Ideal for introducing elements into a scene.Objects sliding onto the screen, text fading in
Building anticipation:Creates suspense or emphasizes the start of an action.A ball rolling from rest, a menu expanding.
Ease-outSoft landings: Perfect for animations that end with a smooth stop.An object coming to rest, a dropdown menu closing, a carousel slowing to display the final item.
User-friendly finishes: Makes interactions feel polished.A button quickly grows and then eases out smoothly to its normal size, avoiding abrupt transitions.
Ease-in-outBalanced and natural motion: Provides a smooth start and finish.Page transitions, sliders, zoom effects.
Attention-grabbing transitions:Gradual build-up and gentle wind-down.Animate elements as they come into view during scrolling.
When To Use Cubic Bezier Easing Functions

Below is a detailed overview of each category and its variants, offering a quick reference for selecting the right easing behavior for your animations.

Ease-in FunctionsAnimation starts slow and accelerates.
easeInSineSmooth start, slow acceleration.
easeInQuadStarts slow and accelerates quadratically.
easeInCubicStarts slow and accelerates cubically.
easeInQuartStarts slow and accelerates with a quartic function.
easeInQuintStarts slow and accelerates with a quintic function.
easeInExpoStarts slow and accelerates exponentially.
easeInCircStarts slow and accelerates in a circular pattern.
easeInBackStarts slow with a slight overshoot at the beginning (spring-like behavior).
easeInElasticStarts slow, with a spring-like, elastic bounce at the start.
easeInBounceStarts slow, with a "bouncy" effect at the beginning.
Ease-in Functions

Ease-Out FunctionsAnimation starts fast and decelerates.
easeOutSineStarts fast, then decelerates smoothly.
easeOutQuadStarts fast, then decelerates quadratically.
easeOutCubicStarts fast, then decelerates cubically.
easeOutQuartStarts fast, then decelerates quartically.
easeOutQuintStarts fast, then decelerates quintically.
easeOutExpoStarts fast, then decelerates exponentially.
easeOutCircStarts fast, then decelerates in a circular pattern.
easeOutBackStarts fast, decelerates with a slight overshoot (spring-like).
easeOutElasticStarts fast, then decelerates with a spring-like bounce.
easeOutBounceStarts fast, then decelerates with a "bouncy" effect at the end.
Ease-out Functions

Ease-In-Out FunctionsAnimation accelerates at the start, decelerates at the end, and is smooth in between.
easeInOutSineStarts and ends slowly with smooth acceleration in between.
easeInOutQuadStarts and ends slowly with quadratic acceleration and deceleration.
easeInOutCubicStarts and ends slowly with cubic acceleration and deceleration.
easeInOutQuartStarts and ends slowly with quartic acceleration and deceleration.
easeInOutQuintStarts and ends slowly with quintic acceleration and deceleration.
easeInOutExpoStarts and ends slowly with exponential acceleration and deceleration.
easeInOutCircStarts and ends slowly with circular acceleration and deceleration.
easeInOutBackStarts and ends slowly with overshoot at both ends (spring-like).
easeInOutElasticStarts and ends slowly with elastic bounce in between.
easeInOutBounceStarts and ends slowly with a "bouncy" effect at both ends.
Ease-in-out Functions

Steps Functions

Steps Functions - Made by SVGator
Steps Functions - Made by SVGator

Staircase easing functions are utilized when you want an animation to progress in distinct steps, resembling the appearance of a staircase. Instead of smooth transitions, they produce abrupt jumps in the animation. These functions are typically implemented using the steps() function in CSS. The following are the types of step functions:

  • steps(n): Divides the animation into n equal steps, with each step being a discrete jump.
  • steps(n, start): The first jump happens immediately when the animation begins, with the remaining steps progressing evenly.
  • steps(n, end): The final jump occurs at the end of the animation.
  • steps(n, both): Both the first and last jumps occur at the start and end of the animation.

Step functions are a powerful tool for animations and simulations that demand precision and abrupt transitions. They excel in use cases involving discrete states, such as toggling between images or creating sharp, intentional shifts in animations. This makes them ideal for simulating digital effects like pixelated or frame-by-frame animation styles where smooth transitions don’t quite fit the aesthetic.

Additionally, step functions provide precise control for scenarios that require measurable progress, like visualizing increments on a dashboard meter or displaying steps in a progress bar. Their ability to handle these unique requirements makes them indispensable for designers and developers aiming for accuracy and deliberate movement in their projects.

Steps FunctionDescriptionExample Scenario
steps(n)Divides the animation into n equal steps, with instantaneous transitions between each step.A progress bar that updates in 10% increments as the process moves forward.
steps(n, start)First jump occurs immediately at the beginning, and remaining steps progress evenly over the animation duration.A pixelated character appears on the screen instantly and then animates in distinct frames.
steps(n, end)Delays jumps, so the final transition happens at the very end, creating a gradual buildup.A countdown timer that updates in visible steps just before it reaches zero.
steps(n, both)The first jump occurs immediately at the start, and the last jump occurs at the end, creating sharp, symmetrical transitions.A light bulb turning on and off at evenly spaced intervals during its animation cycle.
When To Use Easing Steps functions

What Is the Easing Principle of Animation?

Fake 3D ball spin - Made by SVGator
Fake 3D ball spin - Made by SVGator
The easing principle of animation refers to the deliberate control of an object's speed during a transition or motion. Instead of moving at a constant rate, easing introduces acceleration, deceleration, or both, making movements feel more natural and lifelike. This principle is rooted in the way objects behave in the real world, where motion is influenced by forces such as gravity and inertia.

For instance, a car doesn’t immediately reach full speed when it starts, nor does it come to an abrupt stop, but it accelerates and decelerates gradually. Easing in animation replicates this behavior, adding a sense of realism and fluidity that engages viewers and enhances the user experience.

By manipulating the pacing of motion, easing not only creates more visually appealing animations but also conveys mood, weight, and intention. Whether it's a gentle fade-in or a sharp, bouncing effect, the easing principle ensures that animations communicate effectively while maintaining a sense of physical believability.

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What Does Easing Do in Animation?

Coffee cup animation - Made by SVGator
Coffee cup animation - Made by SVGator

Easing in animation determines how an object transitions between its starting and ending points over time, shaping the timing and rhythm of the motion.

By adjusting how an object accelerates or decelerates during its movement, easing enhances the realism and emotional impact of animations. Here’s what easing does:

  • Adds realism to motion: Mimics the natural behavior of objects in the real world, such as accelerating cars or falling objects slowing down.
  • Creates smoother transitions: Prevents abrupt or jarring movements by gradually increasing or decreasing speed.
  • Guides user attention: Helps highlight key elements or actions, such as drawing focus to a button or menu animation.
  • Enhances visual appeal: Adds polish and fluidity, making animations more dynamic and enjoyable.
  • Communicates weight and purpose: Conveys how heavy, light, or deliberate an object’s movement is, adding emotional depth to the design.

What Are the Benefits of Easing?

Page loader animation - Made by SVGator

Easing offers a range of benefits that elevate the quality and impact of animations. By controlling the pacing of motion, easing not only improves the aesthetics but also enhances user experience and interaction. Here are some key advantages of using easing in animations:

  • Improves user experience: Easing creates smoother, more intuitive transitions, making interactions feel natural and responsive.
  • Enhances engagement: Well-executed easing catches the eye and keeps users interested by adding dynamic movement and polish.
  • Increases usability: Easing can guide users through processes or actions, such as form submissions or page transitions, making navigation feel more fluid.
  • Conveys emotion and tone: Different easing styles can evoke specific feelings, from excitement to calm, depending on how the movement is framed.
  • Reduces cognitive load: Smooth animations help users process transitions with ease, improving overall understanding and reducing confusion during interactions.

How to Animate Using Easing in SVGator

  1. Access the Easing Function:
    Click on the Easing Function in your animation panel. By default, it is set to Linear, which applies a constant speed throughout the transition.
  2. Choose an Easing Preset or Create a Custom Function:
    You can select from various easing presets or manually create a custom easing function to suit your needs. Manually adjust the values in the easing graph.
  3. Select Ease-in for a Slower Start:
    Choose the Ease-in preset to make the transition begin slowly and then accelerate.
  4. Explore Other Easing Presets:
    Try Ease-out to create a transition that slows down as it approaches the end. Use Ease-in-out for a combination of slow start and slow end. Experiment with more dynamic curves, such as Ease-in-Quint, for pronounced acceleration effects.
  5. Customize the Easing Curve:
    Manually adjust the curve to fine-tune the easing effect. Save your custom easing function, which will appear in the panel for future use.
  6. Use Step Easing for Discreet Animation:
    Select Step-end to eliminate the transition effect entirely. The object will "jump" to its final position or state at the end of the animation, creating a sudden change. When applied, keyframes change into square shapes connected by dotted lines. Alternatively, choose Step-start for similar effects at the beginning of the animation.

By following these steps, you can fully control the timing and style of your transitions and animations in SVGator.

Final Thoughts

Easing functions play a vital role in animation by adding realism and visual interest to transitions. Whether you want steady, mechanical motion with linear easing or dynamic, lifelike effects with cubic Bézier functions, each type brings a unique style to animations.

Understanding and choosing the right easing function can elevate any animation from simple to sophisticated. To take your animations even further, consider using SVGator, a powerful tool that simplifies the process of animating with easing functions for stunning results.