How to cancel your SVGator subscription?

In order to cancel your SVGator Pro plan subscription, you need to perform the following 6 steps:

  1. Log in to your SVGator account
  2. Click on the Account settings link from the top right corner
  3. Click on the My Account link that you'll see in the opened drop-down menu
  4. Navigate to the Billing section
  5. Access the Next Renewal tab
  6. Select the Cancel Renewal option and you're done

Useful information about the Pro plan cancelation

  • Once your Pro plan subscription has expired, you can keep using the Free version for as long as you want.
  • However, with the Free plan, you will not be able to export advanced animations such as self-drawing effects or morphing, even if you’ve created these animations while you were using the Pro plan.
  • Please note that your subscription will stay active until the expiration date.
  • If you cancel the renewal of your subscription, you will not receive a refund for any amounts that have been previously charged. Your cancellation will be effective at the end of your then-current subscription period.

Discover other useful Help Center pages

What’s Not Included in the Free Version? | SVGator Help
With SVGator’s free plan you can test all features for as long as you want, create 3 new projects per month, and export basic animators. Get started now!
How You Get Charged? | SVGator Help
Because it’s a subscription, your credit card will be charged at the end of each billing period. You can find the next renewal date on the Invoices page.

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