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Getting Started
Getting Started
Exported file formats
Export settings
Export the element's name as ID
Export React Native animations
Export Flutter animations
Using custom fonts in your animated SVGs
Exported Video Formats and Render Codecs Used
Animation Type: JavaScript Animations vs CSS Animations
Export settings for GIF & other raster formats
Lottie format vs. SVG format
Lottie Support in SVGator
Mobile Animations Export Settings
SVG Export Settings
Video Export settings
Lottie Export Settings
Preparing and importing
Preparing your file in Illustrator
Preparing your file in Sketch
Managing projects
Supported file formats
Change canvas size
Using the Assets Library
Creating masks in Adobe Illustrator
Creating masks in Affinity Designer
Creating masks in Gravit Designer
Change timeline duration
Parts of the SVGator app interface
Useful keyboard shortcuts in the SVGator app
Animate an element
Animators and keyframes
Change the element’s origin point
Use ease effects
Create a path animation
Animate on mouse over
Animate on scroll
Animate on click
Create a morph animation
Create an interactive SVG
Reverse animation on mouse out
Create a clipping path animation
Create a clipping mask animation
SVGator Player JS API
Animate Programmatically
Fill and Strokes
Change the color of an element
Modify an element’s stroke
Add animated SVG to your website
Add animated SVG to WordPress
Add animated SVG to React websites
Trigger the SVG animation manually using JavaScript
Add animated SVG to React Native
Add animated SVG to Squarespace
Add animated SVG to Vue.js
Add animated SVG to Webflow
Add animated SVG to Angular
How to use SVGator Plugin for WordPress
Add animated SVG to Editor X
Mobile Export Preview
How To Add Animated SVG to PageCloud
How To Add Animated SVG to Wix
Lottie Export Preview
How to implement a Lottie animation
How To Reuse The Same Animation More Times